We are a wholesale distributor - products are not available at our inside sales address.
Office Address: 11816 Lackland Road, St. Louis, MO 63146
(800) 991-8480 | alliedappliance@indoff.com

Product Literature/Videos

Need More Information? This Is A Great Place To Start.

Allied is your go-to source for updated product literature and videos for your air conditioners, appliances, and accessories. Separated out by manufacturer, you can find Use & Care Guides, Videos, and Product Literature to help you either research, buy, or install your next purchase from Allied. 

Click on the logo of the manufacturer to find the information you need.

Please note: We are in the process of building out this page. If the literature you are looking for is not available please contact your Allied Appliance Sales Representative and they will help with your request.

Air Conditioners - PTACs, TTWs, VTACs