We are a wholesale distributor - products are not available at our inside sales address.
Office Address: 11816 Lackland Road, St. Louis, MO 63146
(800) 991-8480 | alliedappliance@indoff.com

Kitchen Appliances

We offer solutions for kitchen appliances for any sized apartment, from all major brands

An Allied sales representative is ready to help! Give us a call at 1-800-991-8480 or Request a Quote today.

When it’s time to replace old appliances and breathe new life into the look of your communities, look no further than Allied Appliance. We offer wide range of kitchen appliances, from ranges and dishwashers to refrigerators and microwaves, all while keeping you under budget. Discover apartment-sized appliances design to maximize kitchen space and deliver reliable performance.

Upgrading your appliances can allow you to charge more for premium options. As more renters demand an upscale look, it may be time to install new stainless steel or black appliances rather than the standard white.

Request a Quote

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An Allied Sales Representative is ready to help. Fill out your information to be contacted by our team or call 1-800-991-8480.

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