We are a wholesale distributor - products are not available at our inside sales address.
Office Address: 11816 Lackland Road, St. Louis, MO 63146
(800) 991-8480 | alliedappliance@indoff.com

Housekeeping Uniforms

Your Housekeeping Staff works hard and do a lot of the dirty jobs in the hotel day-in and day-out.

Provide them with uniforms that not only protect their personal clothing but also present a professional look for your guests.

Allied Appliance carries a number of styles and lines so we are certain that you will find something that is reflective of your property and your brand.  

Young chambermaid bringing clean sheets to one of hotel clients

Not seeing exactly what you need with the options displayed? Our team can find the exact uniform or outfit that you need. Send an email to Margaret Wiggemansen at uniforms@indoff.com.